Napoleonic warfare.

To receive 30% discount for any order, add to the shopping cart all listed below games:

"Maida 1806: Stuart vs. Reynier"

"Fourteen Days in June: the Waterloo Campaign"

"Albuera 1811: Beresford vs. Soult"

"1831: For our freedom and yours - Battle of Grochow"

"Battle of Raclawice 1794"

Remembering the anniversary.

To take advantage of free shipping, just make an order in a particular month, containing the listed game.

Here is a list of months and game titles, in which the promotion is valid:

February - "1831: For our freedom and yours - Battle of Grochow"

February - May - "Festung Breslau 1945"

July - "Maida 1806: Stuart vs. Reynier"

August - "Hill 262 - Chambois, 19-21st August 1944"